Devops Basics



that is a higher level post that will include different articles around DevOps basics related to my udemy course “AWS devops: ElasticSearch at AWS with terraform and ansible“, but not only that 🙂 Here I will try to discuss next aspects:

  • DevOps basics – e.g: who is devops, how to start devops learning career path, what are devops main duties and so on
  • Terraform basics
  • Ansible basics
  • Different monitoring aspects
  • Linux basics
  • AWS basics and best practices
  • Docker orchestration basics
  • Useful DevOps tools

Below is the list of different articles related to the list’s positions mentioned above:

New articles would be added gradually, so if you are interested at elasticsearch basics, please visit that page regularly. Hope to see you soon again.

About the author


Software engineer with over 18 year’s experience. Everyday stack: PHP, Python, Java, Javascript, Symfony, Flask, Spring, Vue, Docker, AWS Cloud, Machine Learning, Ansible, Terraform, Jenkins, MariaDB, MySQL, Mongo, Redis, ElasticSeach

architecture AWS cluster cyber-security devops devops-basics docker elasticsearch flask geo high availability java machine learning opensearch php programming languages python recommendation systems search systems spring boot symfony