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ElasticSearch as you have never known it before – EXCLUSIVE CONTENT


Udemy Coupons: ELASTICSEARCH03 – active 02.03.2025-02.04.2025; in case coupons are already expired, please check that page regularly – new one will appear soon; Here I want to present an introduction to my on-line course: “Elasticsearch as you have never known it before”. At that course I am sharing my production experience with using ElasticSearch for building advanced search systems...

AWS devops: ElasticSearch at AWS with terraform and ansible


Udemy Coupon: MARCHDEVOPSALES – active 02.03.2025-02.04.2025 in case coupons are already expired, please check that page regularly – new one will appear soon; ENROLL AT AWS devops course Are you interested in docker orchestration? Would you like to uncover deep insights and pitfalls of AWS? Do you want to see the real power of Terraform and Ansible at real commercial examples? Or maybe you...

AWS OpenSearch Benchmarks – Part 1


Hi, DevOps fans Recently, 04.12.2023-05.12.2023. I have a pleasant occasion to perform AWS OpenSearch service performance benchmarks. The reason for that has a rather long story, but I will try to shorten it as much as possible. There is one application that uses Elasticsearch for performing different search operations. I will call it “Search App” below in text. Current application was migrated...

Maintenance vs perfect code or When to avoid design patterns?


Hi, The more I am working at Software production area (and it is almost 20 years), the more I am coming to the conclusion, that support and maintenance in many cases are more essential then “beautiful” code with using design patterns. Don’t think that I have something against best practices – quite reverse. I am fond of design programming patterns and I am using it...

Elasticsearch indexing secrets or how to speed up indexing


Hi, Elasticsearch fans. As probably all of you know, indexing of documents at Elasticsearch can appear to be a rather often operation. Changing fields mapping or document relationships, changing the number of shards and many other things force us to make reindexing of whole data. And when we have great amounts of data – then it appears to be a great problem. At that article we will speak...

Redis TIPS and TRICKS – how to Debug memory usage


Hi, Recently I’ve met a problem with REDIS memory usage at AWS ElastiCache service. It appeared that after some release, that happened 2 weeks ago, memory usage started to grow gradually like a snail. As result our memory monitoring caught the problem rather late. Here is the screen for AWS CloudWatch how it looked. While analyzing release by itself, I found a lot of changes related with...

Inside Elasticsearch cluster – how it works, performance, monitoring and hardware – Part 1


Hi, That is the beginning of article’s series devoted to the deep insides of Elasticsearch cluster. I will try to describe the most interesting and useful aspects of how Elasticsearch works, what is shards, what makes impact at performance, how to choose hardware and what parameters should be under constant monitoring. I will try to explain all as simple as possible sharing my 8...

Devops Basics


Hi, that is a higher level post that will include different articles around DevOps basics related to my udemy course “AWS devops: ElasticSearch at AWS with terraform and ansible“, but not only that 🙂 Here I will try to discuss next aspects: DevOps basics – e.g: who is devops, how to start devops learning career path, what are devops main duties and so on Terraform basics Ansible...

Java ElasticSearch


Hi, Current article is the introduction to the practice series of articles devoted to theme “How to work with ElasticSearch using Java and Spring Boot Framework”. You may treat it as Spring Boot ElasticSearch tutorial though you will get also additional deep knowledge at how to build search microservice from scratch, how to use programming patterns at real examples. So, lets start...

ElasticSearch Python Flask


Hi, Current article is the introduction to the practice series of articles devoted to theme “How to work with ElasticSearch using Python and Flask framework”. You may treat it as Python ElasticSearch tutorial though you will get also additional deep knowledge at how to build search microservice from scratch, how to use programming patterns at real examples. So, lets start from task...

architecture AWS cluster cyber-security devops devops-basics docker elasticsearch flask geo high availability java machine learning opensearch php programming languages python recommendation systems search systems spring boot symfony